Continuing the Climb: Keeping your business passion alive


You’ve been in business for a while, you’re posting regularly on social media, marketing consistently, doing ok with sales, but nothing is the success you envisioned when you first started your shiny new business owning journey.

This is the everyday, the groundwork, the nose to the ground stuff no one tells you about. The mountain of business success is not built in one swift step but in a MILLION tiny steps. Does that sound too quote-y for you? Than here’s this, focus on the small steps to success.

When faced with these feelings, a super smart business minded professional once told me. How did you make money today? It’s not about focusing on the amount of money, it’s about the potential sale you may make tomorrow because you spent time today to write an ad. If you didn’t take the time for your ad then how is someone supposed to know about your business? How will they pay you for your amazing work if they don’t know you exist?

My challenge to all of you: Do ONE thing today that may bring you a sale tomorrow. Post on social media, write a blog, contact a designer (hint, hint 😉), start an ad, join a networking group… ANYTHING is better than doing nothing. If one more person hears about your business today, you win.

As always Stanifer Designs is here for you with free consultations on how best to start your entrepreneurial journey.


Striving to uncomplicate the process of marketing and graphic design for entrepreneurs. I love taking on challenges and being a continued source of information for my clients. Creating unique and personally inspiring designs for my clients is my top priority. I would love for this page to be a source of creative inspiration and business marketing knowledge for entrepreneurs looking for a helping hand getting started or growing their business.


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